Kushal Das

FOSS and life. Kushal Das talks here.


Adding dunder methods to a Python class written in Rust

Last week I did two rounds of my Creating Python modules in Rust workshop. During the second session on Sunday, someone asked if we can create standard dunder methods, say __str__ or __repr__. I never did that before, and during the session I tried to read the docs and implement it. And I failed :)

Later I realized that I should have read the docs carefully. To add those methods, we will have to implement PyObjectProtocol for the Rust structure.

impl PyObjectProtocol for Ros {
    fn __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<String> {
        let cpus = self.sys.get_processors().len();
        let repr = format!("<Ros(CPUS: {})>", cpus);

    fn __str__(&self) -> PyResult<String> {
        let cpus = self.sys.get_processors().len();
        let repr = format!("<Ros(CPUS: {})>", cpus);
>>> from randomos import Ros
>>> r = Ros()
>>> r
<Ros (CPUS: 8)>
>>> str(r)
'<Ros (CPUS: 8)>'

This code example is in the ros-more branch of the code.