Looking back at Fedora 25 Atomic release

We have Fedora 25 released a few days back. Along with various editions, we also have the Atomic edition out. This release is special for few points, one of them is being the first release from the Atomic Working Group. The another major point is a release where Cloud Base image, and the Atomic image + Vagrant boxes were fully tested by Autocloud project in the whole release cycle.

Sayan did a tremendous work in redoing the Autocloud front-end, which many of us use to keep an eye on the builds. Yes, we do test our nightly builds on Autocloud. You can also keep an eye on this by using Fedora Notifications system. This automated testing was the major reason behind finding no surprises during Cloud/Atomic test day in the F25 cycle. Through the development cycle of Fedora 25 Autocloud kept finding the network related issues, or whenever the image refused to boot cleanly. Dusty Mabe, and our excellent QA team helped us to mark those issues into right bugs, and then with help from the developers, we managed to get them fixed on time. Adam Williamson also has an OpenQA setup where the ISO image gets automatically tested.

The test cases for the same are written as Python 3 unit tests. You can find them here. Feel free to come to the #fedora-cloud channel, and suggest any changes, or you can directly submit Pull Requests.

Another on-going work is related to documentation. We are trying to get all the docs here for our users. But we need more eyes on this. If you have any use case in mind, feel free to send us a patch/PR. Trishna Guha (IRC: trishnag) is another person whom you may want to talk about any queries you have.