Python track at FOSSASIA 2016

(Stephen J. Turnbull during his talk in Python track, FOSSASIA 2015).

The 2016 edition of FOSSASIA is happening from 18-20th March, in the Singapore Science Center, Singapore. We are again having a Python track in this event, which starts on 19th March (Saturday). The following is a summarised entry of the schedule for us.

On 19th March

  • Python at FOSSASIA (Introduction talk to the track), speaker: /me.
  • 10:30am Test driven development with pytest by Ivan Zimine (Python User Group Singapore).
  • 11:00am Dive deep into Fedora Infra by Sayan Chowdhury (Fedora Project).
  • 11:30am Tunir the simple CI by /me again.
  • Photo and then lunch break
  • 1:30pm Command Line Application Design by Shadab Zafar (Jamia Millia Islamia).
  • 2:00pm Using Python Client to talk with Zanata Server by Sundeep Anand (Red Hat).
  • 2:30pm Python in my Science Classroom by Praveen Patil (ExpEYES).
  • 3:00pm Building a proper UI/UX for the wiki engine (GSoC’15 Project) by Yask Srivastava (Moin Moin Wiki).
  • 3:30pm ircb - A versatile, scalable IRC Bouncer, as a service, for humans by Sayan Chowdhury (Fedora Project).
  • 4:00pm Python 3 101 workshop of 2 hours, by /me.

On 20th March

  • 10:00am Leveraging Telegram API and nltk to implement interactive user interfaces for businesses by Kranthi Kiran Guduru (NIT Warangal) workshop of 1 hour
  • 11:00am Building user centric applications using the Loklak and Twitter API - An example of Complaint registrations by Sudheesh Singanamalla (Loklak / NIT Warangal) workshop of 1 hour
  • 1:00pm Openess in Quality: Migrating testing framework from bash to pytest by Amita Sharma (Red Hat).
  • 1:30pm Multibody Dynamics and Control with Python by Sahil Shekhawat (SymPy / PyDy)
  • 2:00pm Symbolic Computation with Python using SymPy by Amit Kumar JHA (SymPy) Workshop of 2 hours

If you look closely at the talks, we have talks on testing framework (pytest), talks on particular applications including how Python is being used to teach science in class rooms (ExpEyes). We have hands on workshops about Python3, Telegram, and Twitter API, and about symbolic computation. It is going to be lot of discussions, and learning. The full conference schedule is also live. It has many other tracks, and speakers from different upstream projects. We also have a DevOps track, which is filled with some excellent talks from my colleagues in Red Hat.