Kushal Das

FOSS and life. Kushal Das talks here.


Fixing missing yubikey trouble on fedora 38

From the time I updated to Fedora 38, I am having trouble with my Yubikey. If I remove the key, just plugging it back does not help. gpg can not detect it.

$ gpg --card-status 
gpg: selecting card failed: No such device
gpg: OpenPGP card not available: No such device

The only way to get it working is restarting the pcscd service, again & again.

As Heiko pointed out, this is the trouble between pcscd and scdaemon, the second one comes via gnupg package in Fedora.

To solve the issue, first I tried the following

$ echo disable-ccid >> ~/.gnupg/scdaemon.conf
$ gpgconf --reload gpg-agent

Then I figured that I have opensc package installed, just removing that one and then a reboot solved the trouble for me.

$ sudo dnf remove opensc -y