Fedora Atomic Working Group update from 2017-01-17

This is an update from Fedora Atomic Working Group based on the IRC meeting on 2017-01-17. 14 people participated in the meeting, the full log of the meeting can be found here.

OverlayFS partition

We had a decision to have a docker partition in Fedora 26. The root partition sizing will also need to be fixed. One can read all the discussion on the same at the Pagure issue.

We also require help in writing the documentation for migration from Devicemapper -> Overlay -> Back.

How to compose your own Atomic tree?

Jason Brooks will update his document located at Project Atomic docs.

docker-storage-setup patches require more testing

There are pending patches which will require more testing before merging.

Goals and PRD of the working group

Josh Berkus is updating the goals and PRD documentation for the working group. Both short term and long term goals can be seen at this etherpad. The previous Cloud Working Group’s PRD is much longer than most of the other groups’ PRD, so we also discussed trimming the Atomic WG PRD.

Open floor discussion + other items

I updated the working group about a recent failure of the QCOW2 image on the Autocloud. It appears that if we boot the images with only one VCPU, and then after disabling chroyd service when we reboot, there is no defined time to have ssh service up and running.

Misc talked about the hardware plan for FOSP., and later he sent a detailed mail to the list on the same.

Antonio Murdaca (runcom) brought up the discussion about testing the latest Docker (1.13) and pushing it to F25. We decided to spend more time in testing it, and then only push to Fedora 25, otherwise it may break Kubernetes/Openshift. We will schedule a 1.13 testing week in the coming days.