Kushal Das

FOSS and life. Kushal Das talks here.


Multi-factor authentication in django

Multi-factor authentication is a must have feature in any modern web application. Specially providing support for both TOTP (think applications on phone) and FIDO2 (say Yubikeys) usage. I created a small Django demo mfaforgood which shows how to enable both.

demo of login via MFA

I am using django-mfa3 for all the hard work, but specially from a PR branch from my friend Giuseppe De Marco.

I also fetched the cbor-js package in the repository so that hardware tokens for FIDO2 to work. I hope this example will help you add the MFA support to your Django application.

Major points of the code

  • Adding example templates from MFA project, with admin theme and adding cbor-js to the required templates.
  • Adding mfa to INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Adding mfa.middleware.MfaSessionMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE.
  • Adding MFA_DOMAIN and MFA_SITE_TITLE to settings.py.
  • Also adding STATICFILES_DIRS.
  • Adding mfa.views.MFAListView as the Index view of the application.
  • Also adding mfa URLs.

After login for the first time one can enable MFA in the following screen.

view of the MFA listing

django-ca, HSM and PoC

django-ca is a feature rich certificate authority written in Python, using the django framework. The project exists for long, have great documentation and code comments all around. As I was looking around for possible CAs which can be used in multiple projects at work, django-ca seems to be a good base fit. Though it has still a few missing parts (which are important for us), for example HSM support and Certificate Management over CMS.

I started looking into the codebase of django-ca more and meanwhile also started cleaning up (along with Magnus Svensson) another library written at work for HSM support. I also started having conversion with Mathias (who is the author of django-ca) about this feature.

Thanks to the amazing design of the Python Cryptography team, I could just add several Private key implementations in our library, which in turn can be used as a normal private key.

I worked on a proof of concept branch (PoC), while getting a lot of tests also working.

===== 107 failed, 1654 passed, 32 skipped, 274 errors in 286.03s (0:04:46) =====

Meanwhile Mathias also started writing a separate feature branch where he is moving the key operations encapsulated inside of backends, and different backends can be implemented to deal with HSM or normal file based storage. He then chatted with me on Signal over 2 hours explaining the code and design of the branch he is working on. He also taught me many other django/typing things which I never knew before in the same call. His backend based approach makes my original intention of adding HSM support very easy. But, it also means at first he has to modify the codebase (and the thousands of test cases) first.

I am writing this blog post also to remind folks that not every piece of code needs to go to production (or even merged). I worked on a PoC, that validates the idea. And then we have a better and completely different design. It is perfectly okay to work hard for a PoC and later use a different approach.

As some friends asked on Mastodon, I will do a separate post about the cleanup of the other library.