Kushal Das

FOSS and life. Kushal Das talks here.


django-ca, HSM and PoC

django-ca is a feature rich certificate authority written in Python, using the django framework. The project exists for long, have great documentation and code comments all around. As I was looking around for possible CAs which can be used in multiple projects at work, django-ca seems to be a good base fit. Though it has still a few missing parts (which are important for us), for example HSM support and Certificate Management over CMS.

I started looking into the codebase of django-ca more and meanwhile also started cleaning up (along with Magnus Svensson) another library written at work for HSM support. I also started having conversion with Mathias (who is the author of django-ca) about this feature.

Thanks to the amazing design of the Python Cryptography team, I could just add several Private key implementations in our library, which in turn can be used as a normal private key.

I worked on a proof of concept branch (PoC), while getting a lot of tests also working.

===== 107 failed, 1654 passed, 32 skipped, 274 errors in 286.03s (0:04:46) =====

Meanwhile Mathias also started writing a separate feature branch where he is moving the key operations encapsulated inside of backends, and different backends can be implemented to deal with HSM or normal file based storage. He then chatted with me on Signal over 2 hours explaining the code and design of the branch he is working on. He also taught me many other django/typing things which I never knew before in the same call. His backend based approach makes my original intention of adding HSM support very easy. But, it also means at first he has to modify the codebase (and the thousands of test cases) first.

I am writing this blog post also to remind folks that not every piece of code needs to go to production (or even merged). I worked on a PoC, that validates the idea. And then we have a better and completely different design. It is perfectly okay to work hard for a PoC and later use a different approach.

As some friends asked on Mastodon, I will do a separate post about the cleanup of the other library.

My talk in RustNL 2023

starting of the conference

On May 10th, I attended my first ever Rust conference, RustNL 2023. I reached there the night before. My talk was the 3rd one in the morning.

My talk

The title of my talk was Using Rust to write Python modules, and my main plan was to inform developers in the crowd to think about python developers as their API/library users. I demoed Tumpa to showcase what can be achieved to help the final end users.

The next 2 talks after mine also had Python in the theme. You should check out all the talks from the conference.

Book signing queue

I also managed to meet Mara Bos and get a copy of the book signed. Thank you so much.

I found the conference very tightly organized. The venue being on top of a library and centrally located was also very useful. The funniest incident was to find milk in the lunch menu, that was a first for me.

I also managed to meet some friends whom I only knew from Internet and met other Fedora friends after around 8 years.

I am hoping to be able to participate next year too.

40 years of the first email to Sweden

40 years ago today, at 14:02 on 1983/04/07 (7th April), Björn Eriksen received the first ever email in Sweden. It was from Jim McKie of European Unix Network (EUnet) in Amsterdam. Björn had a VAX 780 running BSD. The following is the actual email:

Date: Thu, 7 Apr 83 14:02:08 MET DST
From: mcvax!jim (Jim McKie)
To: enea!ber
Subject: Hello

You are now hooked to the mcvax. This is just a test.
Reply, we will be calling you again soon!

Ignore any references to a machine called "yoorp", it
is just a test. Mail should go to mcvax!….".

Regards, Jim McKie. (mcvax!jim).

This email was transmitted over using UUCP. After a few years, in 1986, Björn registered .se TLD.

I was not even born, when this email was received :)

SamNet Vinterkonferensen 2023

This Tuesday I attended SamNet Vinterkonferensen, jointly organized by ISOC-SE, SNUS, DFRI and Dataskydd.net, focusing on technology, the internet, privacy, and decentralization. The organizers gave me caution before hand as the whole conference was in Swedish :)

selfie from 83

The venue was Internetstiftelsen, which is already one of my favorite small conference venues in Stockholm (as we have done many open spaces there in the last 1 year).

After the morning coffee and breakfast, the day started with a talk about "blockchain", it felt more like a 2015 version of the presentation :) After that a very good detailed description of IPv6 and adoption. The third talk was on DNS from Mikael Kullberg. This presentation was a perfect mix of technical details and fun :)

slide from DNS talk

After the fika break, there was another govt talk about e-identification. And it broke my brain. The level of Swedish was too much, and my brain refused to do any real-time translation/understanding of the Swedish afterward. So, I spent the time in the lobby talking to people and writing some code.


The second half starts with Tobias Pulls talking about his work on anonymity and Tor network. There are a few slides with detailed graphs, and I had difficulty to understand them. Though Pulls mentioned before that he had to work hard to get all the English terms translated into Swedish. Next, MC took the stage to talk about Tillitis.


Last part of the day I spent listening to folks discussion different DNS/packets/anonymity related topics.


My goal was to meet more people and listen to more technical discussions in Swedish. So, I count the conference a success :)

OAuth Security Workshop 2022

Last week I attended OAuth Security Workshop at Trondheim, Norway. It was a 3-day single-track conference, where the first half of the days were pre-selected talks, and the second parts were unconference talks/side meetings. This was also my first proper conference after COVID emerged in the world.

osw starting

Back to the starting line

After many years felt the whole excitement of being a total newbie in something and suddenly being able to meet all the people behind the ideas. I reached the conference hotel in the afternoon of day 0 and met the organizers as they were in the lobby area. That chat went on for a long, and as more and more people kept checking into the hotel, I realized that it was a kind of reunion for many of the participants. Though a few of them met at a conference in California just a week ago, they all were excited to meet again.

To understand how welcoming any community is, just notice how the community behaves towards new folks. I think the Python community stands high in this regard. And I am very happy to say the whole OAuth/OIDC/Identity-related community folks are excellent in this regard. Even though I kept introducing myself as the new person in this identity land, not even for a single time I felt unwelcome. I attended OpenID-related working group meetings during the conference, multiple hallway chats, or talked to people while walking around the beautiful city. Everyone was happy to explain things in detail to me. Even though most of the people there have already spent 5-15+ years in the identity world.

The talks & meetings

What happens in Trondheim, stays in Trondheim.

I generally do not attend many talks at conferences, as they get recorded. But here, the conference was a single track, and also, there were no recordings.

The first talk was related to formal verification, and this was the first time I saw those (scary in my mind) maths on the big screen. But, full credit to the speakers as they explained things in such a way so that even an average programmer like me understood each step. And after this talk, we jumped into the world of OAuth/OpenID. One funny thing was whenever someone mentioned some RFC number, we found the authors inside the meeting room.

In the second half, we had the GNAP master class from Justin Richer. And once again, the speaker straightforwardly explained such deep technical details so that everyone in the room could understand it.

Now, in the evening before, a few times, people mentioned that in heated technical details, many RFC numbers will be thrown at each other, though it was not that many for me to get too scared :)

rfc count

I also managed to meet Roland for the first time. We had longer chats about the status of Python in the identity ecosystem and also about Identity Python. I took some notes about how we can improve the usage of Python in this, and I will most probably start writing about those in the coming weeks.

In multiple talks, researchers & people from the industry pointed out the mistakes made in the space from the security point of view. Even though, for many things, we have clear instructions in the SPECs, there is no guarantee that the implementors will follow them properly, thus causing security gaps.

At the end of day 1, we had a special Organ concert at the beautiful Trondheim Cathedral. On day 2, we had a special talk, “The Viking Kings of Norway”.

If you let me talk about my experience at the conference, I don’t think I will stop before 2 hours. It was so much excitement, new information, the whole feeling of going back into my starting days where I knew nothing much. Every discussion was full of learning opportunities (all discussions are anyway, but being a newbie is a different level of excitement) or the sadness of leaving Anwesha & Py back in Stockholm. This was the first time I was staying away from them after moving to Sweden.


Just before the conference ended, Aaron Parecki gave me a surprise gift. I spent time with it during the whole flight back to Stockholm.

This conference had the best food experience of my life for a conference. Starting from breakfast to lunch, big snack tables, dinners, or restaurant foods. In front of me, at least 4 people during the conference said, “oh, it feels like we are only eating and sometimes talking”.

Another thing I really loved to see is that the two primary conference organizers are university roommates who are continuing the friendship and journey in a very beautiful way. After midnight, standing outside of the hotel and talking about random things about life and just being able to see two longtime friends excited about similar things, it felt so nice.


I also want to thank the whole organizing team, including local organizers, Steinar, and the rest of the team did a superb job.

eduGAIN Key Signing Ceremony

eduGAIN is a interfederation joining academic identity federations around the world, including over 4781 identify providers & 3519 service providers. The project was initiated by by the GÉANT research and education networking community in Europe.

On 8th of March, there was a key signing ceremony at Sunet office. This was my first chance to be able to attend one such ceremony in real life :)


The day before there was test run where I acted like a participant plugging in various cables/Yubikeys. A specific APU based airgapped box was used to generate the key, and it was talking over a serial port. Which in turn was split into two parts, one on a Mac where Björn Mattsson was doing the actual typing of the commands, and the other side was connected to a dot matrix printer. The printer printed every command & output of the ceremony. Apparently there were only 3 such paper rolls were available in whole of Stockholm.

Representants for the eduGAIN service flew in from different parts of EU as witness (there were many more online witnesses) and also participated in the ceremony. We also had many people present in the room (including Leif & I). Leif started describing the steps as they happened. At the end there were two copies of the keys & passphrase were made, and both the copies went to vaults of separate countries. The required material was also synced with the HSM cluster with the help of a super long cable :)

working on HSM

At the end of the ceremony the witnesses signed the printer pages containing the output.

signing the paper

This was a fun but important event for me to watch. The keys are generated for the next 20 years, so a lot of things will change in the world by the time we will have to do it again :) You can watch it all on Youtube.

OpenSpace on Digitization, skills supply and lifelong learning

On 8th of this month I attended a full day OpenSpace on "Digitalisering, kompetensförsörjning och livslångt lärande" organized by JobTechDev and Sunet. This was the first in-person event for me after 2020 Nullcon in March. That brought in some extra excitement. Then the night before I tried to look for the place and to my surprise we were having it in Internet Stiftelsen, The Swedish Internet Foundation.

I managed to the reach the venue around 15 minutes before the event started and talked a few people. At beginning we all sat in a circular fashion and Leif & Greg (from JobTechDev) started explaining the format and the plan for the day. All in Swedish :P Though people moved into English after Leif pointed out that I am the only person in the room (we had 30+ participants) who neither speaks nor understand Swedish.

The board

I put in a topic on "How to run an Open Source project" and luckily all the other discussions I wanted to attend, were in the same room.

So, my day went on discussing (and learning a lot about different Swedish government organizations) different topics including:

  • Micro Credentials
  • Data Licensing
  • Open Source project management
  • Solid project

During the discussion of Open Source, one thing was super clear that all the people present in the room (both developers and high number of management folks) were all convinced about writing and using Open Source technologies. My organization, Sunet is already into writing only Open Source solutions mode. The rest of the orgs also agreed that they should put that in the organization policy and make sure that they maintain proper Open Source projects. After all we all are being paid by the government using public money.

At the end of the day we had a feedback session in the same manner as we started the day. I really loved the fact that at the very end, all the chairs were kept in the exact same position (row/column) and no one even could say that there were so many people in the room whole day.

Among the various organizations participated:

  • Arbetsförmedlingen
  • Skolverket
  • Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan
  • Vetenskapsrådet
  • Universitets- och högskolerådet
  • Statistiska centralbyrån
  • Myndigheten för digital förvaltning (Digg)
  • Verket för innovationssystem (Vinnova)

Here are few more photos from the beautiful venue.

heart sign Circual logo

Meeting so many people from all the different organizations were a very refreshing thing for my mind.