Kushal Das

FOSS and life. Kushal Das talks here.


"Fedora India" == the community


"Fedora India" is not a person , it is the community including all Fedora users and contributors. Today I suddenly figured out that Kulbir Saini is using this in one of his blog. He is GSoC student this year.

We, the contributors from India have certain problems with this. Using the name "Fedora India" will give false impression to the world that this is from the community of India which is actually not. He is also using Fedora logo in his blog. And don't forget about the google ads.

To add more spice to it here is the declaimer from the site: "Copyright © 2008 Kulbir Saini. I am not related to Red Hat or Fedora Project. The content on this site is my own views." Now how can be it possible that his blog is in planet Fedora and he is not related to Fedora Project.

As I asked this in the list, his first reply was in personal, so I replied back cc:ed to the list also. It seems he loves to reply personally .

I hope the Fedora community will help us to keep the community name clean.