Kushal Das

FOSS and life. Kushal Das talks here.


Friends, the most important part of any conference

At the beginning one goes to the conferences to listen to the talks and make new contacts. You meet a lot of new faces every time. Over time a few of them will become great friends and then all conferences will become about friends.

We wait for the conferences so that we can meet our friends. I went back to PyCon US this year after 5 years, means I met many friends after 5 years. It was so happy feeling to see them again.

Last week I went to my first ever Euro Python in Prague, finally the visa was good in the right days of the year. This means I managed to meet more friends, a few of them just after a month (as they were present in PyCon US) and some after many many years. Really enjoyed the social event place selections by the organizers.

Personally the social events allowed me to go full scale nerd out on technical and social issues with friends. I was really missing these discussions. Heard more stories and discussed about fun ideas. One is below :)

$ python
Python 3.12.4 (main, Jun  7 2024, 00:00:00) [GCC 14.1.1 20240607 (Red Hat 14.1.1-5)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> hello
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'hello' is not defined. Did you mean: 'help'?
>>> [].set("different exception")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'set'

OAuth Security Workshop 2022

Last week I attended OAuth Security Workshop at Trondheim, Norway. It was a 3-day single-track conference, where the first half of the days were pre-selected talks, and the second parts were unconference talks/side meetings. This was also my first proper conference after COVID emerged in the world.

osw starting

Back to the starting line

After many years felt the whole excitement of being a total newbie in something and suddenly being able to meet all the people behind the ideas. I reached the conference hotel in the afternoon of day 0 and met the organizers as they were in the lobby area. That chat went on for a long, and as more and more people kept checking into the hotel, I realized that it was a kind of reunion for many of the participants. Though a few of them met at a conference in California just a week ago, they all were excited to meet again.

To understand how welcoming any community is, just notice how the community behaves towards new folks. I think the Python community stands high in this regard. And I am very happy to say the whole OAuth/OIDC/Identity-related community folks are excellent in this regard. Even though I kept introducing myself as the new person in this identity land, not even for a single time I felt unwelcome. I attended OpenID-related working group meetings during the conference, multiple hallway chats, or talked to people while walking around the beautiful city. Everyone was happy to explain things in detail to me. Even though most of the people there have already spent 5-15+ years in the identity world.

The talks & meetings

What happens in Trondheim, stays in Trondheim.

I generally do not attend many talks at conferences, as they get recorded. But here, the conference was a single track, and also, there were no recordings.

The first talk was related to formal verification, and this was the first time I saw those (scary in my mind) maths on the big screen. But, full credit to the speakers as they explained things in such a way so that even an average programmer like me understood each step. And after this talk, we jumped into the world of OAuth/OpenID. One funny thing was whenever someone mentioned some RFC number, we found the authors inside the meeting room.

In the second half, we had the GNAP master class from Justin Richer. And once again, the speaker straightforwardly explained such deep technical details so that everyone in the room could understand it.

Now, in the evening before, a few times, people mentioned that in heated technical details, many RFC numbers will be thrown at each other, though it was not that many for me to get too scared :)

rfc count

I also managed to meet Roland for the first time. We had longer chats about the status of Python in the identity ecosystem and also about Identity Python. I took some notes about how we can improve the usage of Python in this, and I will most probably start writing about those in the coming weeks.

In multiple talks, researchers & people from the industry pointed out the mistakes made in the space from the security point of view. Even though, for many things, we have clear instructions in the SPECs, there is no guarantee that the implementors will follow them properly, thus causing security gaps.

At the end of day 1, we had a special Organ concert at the beautiful Trondheim Cathedral. On day 2, we had a special talk, “The Viking Kings of Norway”.

If you let me talk about my experience at the conference, I don’t think I will stop before 2 hours. It was so much excitement, new information, the whole feeling of going back into my starting days where I knew nothing much. Every discussion was full of learning opportunities (all discussions are anyway, but being a newbie is a different level of excitement) or the sadness of leaving Anwesha & Py back in Stockholm. This was the first time I was staying away from them after moving to Sweden.


Just before the conference ended, Aaron Parecki gave me a surprise gift. I spent time with it during the whole flight back to Stockholm.

This conference had the best food experience of my life for a conference. Starting from breakfast to lunch, big snack tables, dinners, or restaurant foods. In front of me, at least 4 people during the conference said, “oh, it feels like we are only eating and sometimes talking”.

Another thing I really loved to see is that the two primary conference organizers are university roommates who are continuing the friendship and journey in a very beautiful way. After midnight, standing outside of the hotel and talking about random things about life and just being able to see two longtime friends excited about similar things, it felt so nice.


I also want to thank the whole organizing team, including local organizers, Steinar, and the rest of the team did a superb job.

SecureDrop development sprint in PyCon 2018

SecureDrop will take part in PyCon US development sprints (from 14th to 17th May). This will be first time for the SecureDrop project to present in the sprints.

If you never heard of the project before, SecureDrop is an open source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can install to securely accept documents from anonymous sources. Currently, dozens of news organizations including The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Associated Press, USA Today, and more, use SecureDrop to preserve the anonymous tipline in an era of mass surveillance. SecureDrop is installed on-premises in the news organizations, and journalists and source both use a web application to interact with the system. It was originally coded by the late Aaron Swartz and is now managed by Freedom of the Press Foundation.

How to prepare for the sprints

The source code of the project is hosted on Github.

The web applications, administration CLI tool, and a small Qt-based GUI are all written in Python. We use Ansible heavily for the orchestration. You can setup the development environment using Docker. This section of the documentation is a good place to start.

A good idea would be to create the initial Docker images for the development before the sprints. We have marked many issues for PyCon Sprints and also there are many documentation issues.

Another good place to look is the tests directorty. We use pytest for most of our test cases. We also have Selenium based functional tests.

Where to find the team?

Gitter is our primary communication platform. During the sprint days, we will in the same room of the CPython development (as I will be working on both).

So, if you are in PyCon sprints, please visit us to know more and maybe, start contributing to the project while in sprints.

Looking back at the history of dgplug and my journey

During a session of the summer training this year, someone asked about the history of DGPLUG and how I started contributing to it. The story of the dpglug has an even longer back-story about my history with Linux. I'll start there, and then continue with the story of dgplug.

Seeing Linux for the first time

During my class 11-12, I used to spend a lot of time in the hostels of the Regional Engineering College, Durgapur, (or as we call it, REC, Durgapur.) This institute is now known as NIT, Duragpur. I got to lay my hands on and use a computer (mostly to play games) in my uncle’s hostel room. All the machines I saw there, were Windows only.

My Join Entrance Examination(JEE) center was the REC (year: 2001). That was a known & familiar environment for me. During breaks on day 1, I came back to hall 2 (my uncle’s room) for lunch. The room was unusually full; I think more than 7 people were looking at the computer with very anxious faces. One guy was doing something on the computer. My food was kept in the corner, and someone told me to eat quietly. I could not resist, and asked what was going on.

We’re installing Linux in the computer, and this is a very critical phase.
If the mouse works, then it will just work, or else we will not be able to use it in the system at all, someone replied

I had to ask again, What is this Linux? “Another Operating System” came the reply. I knew almost everyone in the room, I knew that they used computers daily. I also saw a few of them also writing programs to solve their chemical lab problems (my uncle was in Chemical Engineering department). There were people from the computer science department too. The thing stuck in my head, going back to the next examination, was that one guy, who knew something which others did not. It stuck deeper, than the actual exam in hand, and I kept thinking about it all day, that day. Later after the exam, I actually got some time to sit in front of the Linux computer, and then I tried to play with it, trying things and clicking around on the screen. Everything was so different than I used to see on my computer screen. That was it, my mind was set; I was going to learn Linux, since not many know about it. I will also be able to help others as required, just like my uncle’s friend.

Getting my own computer

After the results of the JEE were announced, I decided to join the Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur. It was a private college, opened a year back. On 15th August, I also got my first computer, a Pentium III, with 128MB of RAM, and a 40GB hard drive. I also managed to convince my parents to get a mechanical keyboard somehow, (which was costly and unusual at the time) with this setup. I also got Linux (RHL 7.x IIRC) installed on that computer along with Windows 98. Once it got home, I kept clicking on everything in Linux, ran the box ragged and tried to find all that I could do with Linux.

After a few days, I had some trouble with Windows and had to reinstall it, and when I rebooted, I could not boot to Linux any more. The option had disappeared. I freaked out at first, but guessed that it had something to do with my Windows reinstall. As I had my Linux CDs with me, I went ahead and tried to install it again. Installing and reinstalling the operating systems over and over, gave me the idea that I will had to install Windows first, and only then, should I install Linux. Otherwise, we can not boot into Linux.

Introduction to the Command Line

I knew a few Windows commands by that time. Someone in REC pointed me to a book written by Sumitabha Das (I still have a copy at home, in my village). I started reading from there, and learning commands one by one.

Becoming the Linux Expert in college

This is around the same time when people started recognizing me as a Linux Expert; at least in my college.
Of course I knew how to install Linux, but the two major things that helped get that tag, were

  • the mount command, I knew how to mount Windows partitions in Linux
  • xmms-mp3 rpm package. I had a copy, and I could install it on anyone’s computer.

The same song, on the same hardware, but playing in XMMS always used to give much better audio quality than Windows ever did. Just knowing those two commands gave me a lot of advantage over my peers in that remote college (we never had Internet connection in the college, IIRC).

The Unix Lab & Introduction to computer class

We were introduced to computers in our first semester in some special class. Though many of my classmates saw a computer for the first time in their life, we were tasked to practice many (DOS) commands in the same day. I spent most of my time, helping others learn about the hardware and how to use it.

In our college hostel, we had a few really young professors who also stayed with us. Somehow I started talking a lot with them, and tried to learn as many things as I could. One of them mentioned something about a Unix lab in the College which we were supposed to use in the coming days. I went back to the college the very next day and managed to find the lab; the in-charge (same person who told me about it) allowed me to get in, and use the setup (there were 20 computers).

Our batch started using the lab, only for 2-3 days at the most. During the first day in the lab, I found a command to send out emails to the other users. I came back during some off hours, and wrote a long mail to one of my classmates (not going to talk about the details of the mail) and sent it out.

As we stopped using that lab, I was sure no one had read that mail. Except for one day, the lab in-charge asked me how my email writing was going on. I was stunned, how did he find out about the email? I was all splutteringly, tongue tied! Later at night, he explained to me, the idea of sysadmins, and all that a superuser can do in a Linux/Unix environment. I started thinking about privacy in the electronic world from that night itself :)

Learning from friends

The only other people who were excited about Linux, were two people from same batch in REC. Bipendra Shrestha, and Jitu. I used to spend a lot of time in their hostel and learned so many things from them.

Internet access and the start of dgplug

In 2004, I managed to get more regular access to the Internet (by saving up a bit more money to visit Internet cafes regularly). My weekly allowance was Rs.100, and regular one hour Internet access was around Rs.30-50.

While reading about Linux, I found the term LUG, or Linux User groups. As I was the only regular Linux user in college, I knew that I never had much chance to learn more on my own there, and that somehow I will have to find more people like me and learn together. Also around the same time, I started learning about words like upstream, contribution, Free Software, & FSF. I managed to contact Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay, who sent me a copy of Ankur Bangla, a Linux running in my mother tongue, Bengali. I also came to know about all the ilug chapters in India. That inspired me. Having our own LUG in Durgapur was my next goal. Soumya Kanti Chakrabarty was the first person, I convinced, to join with me to form this group.

The first website came up on Geocities (fun times), and we also had our yahoo group. Later in 2005, we managed to register our domain name; the money came in as a donation from my uncle (who by this time was doing his Ph.D. in IIT Kanpur).

I moved to Bangalore in July 2005, and Soumya was running the local meetings. After I started using IRC regularly, we managed to have our own IRC channel, and we slowly moved most of our discussion over to IRC only. I attended FOSS.IN in December 2005. I think I should write a complete post about that event, and how it changed my life altogether.

Physical meetings in 2006-2007

A day with Fedora on 4th April 2006 was the first big event for us. Sayamindu Dasgupta, Indranil Dasgupta, and Somyadip Modak came down for this event to Durgapur. This is the same time when we started the Bijra project, where we helped the school to have a Linux (LTSP) based setup, completely in Bengali. This was the first big project we took on as a group. This also gave us some media coverage back then. This led to the bigger meetup during 2007, when NRCFOSS members including lawgon, and Rahul Sundaram came down to Durgapur.

dgplug summer training 2008

In 2008, I pitched the idea of having a summer training over IRC, following the same rules of meetings as Fedora marketing on IRC. Shakthi Kannan also glommed onto the idea, and that started a new chapter in the history of dgplug.

Becoming the active contributor community

I knew many people who are better than me when it comes to brain power, but generally, there was no one to push the idea of always learning new things to them. I guess the motto of dgplug, “Learn and teach others” helped us go above this obstacle, and build a community of friends who are always willing to help.

শেখ এবং শেখাও (Learn & Teach others).

Our people are from different backgrounds, from various countries, but the idea of Freedom and Sharing binds us together in the group known as dgplug. Back in 2015 at PyCon India, we had a meeting of all the Python groups in India. After listening to the problems of all the other groups, I suddenly realized that we had none of those problems. We have no travel issues, no problems getting speakers, and no problem getting new people to join in. Just being on the Internet, helps a lot. Also, people in the group have strong opinions, this means healthy but long discussions sometimes :)

Now, you may have noticed that I did not call the group a GNU/Linux users group. Unfortunately, by the time I learned about the Free Software movement, and its history, it was too late to change the name. This year in the summer training, I will take a more in-depth session about the history of hacker ethics, and Free Software movement. and I know few other people will join in.

The future

I wish that DGPLUG continues to grow along with the members. The group does not limit itself only to be about software, or technology. Most of the regular members met each other in conferences, and we keep meeting every year in PyCon India, and PyCon Pune. We should be able to help other to learn and use the same freedom (be it in technology or in other walks of life) we have. The IRC channel should continue to be the happy place it always has been; where we all meet every day, and have fun together.