Kushal Das

FOSS and life. Kushal Das talks here.


translation-filter 0.3 released

I just released translation-filter 0.3. You can download it from here.

The scope of development is to create a rudimentary tool that can allow comparing the quality of string translations in an offline mode. For example, the KDE Project uses a web based tool that allows strings to be searched in translated content.

The current set of requirements for this offline tool are:

  • to be able to take as input a directory path containing multiple .po files
  • to be able to take as input an English string or word to be searched within the .po files collection
  • to be able to display every occurring instance of the English string or word along with equivalent translated string
  • to be able to display the name of the files being searched
  • to be able to save the search result set in an .html file

It uses PyQt4 for the gui, used QWebView to render the result. You will also require translate-toolkit (at least 1.0.1 version, available in Fedora 9).

Among the new features (mostly in the command line version) , using -t or --term you can search for any single term.  You can even check for unattached dependent vowel signs of Indic languages using -d option.

tv.dgplug.org changed for good

I started tv.dgplug.org a year back when I first saw http://screencasters.heathenx.org/ for inkscape tutorials. In the last one year I tried to maintain it by hand written htmls (desgin was done by nomind). But found it too difficult to maintain, also people were asking for rss feeds.

Also I had to provide .flv files so that people can watch the videos online. Again maintaining files in two different format was painful and .flv is not a free format.

Finally I decided to move to wordpress and only ogg files will be provided from now on.